Sunday 21 December 2014

Pongal 2015

Hi all...

I went to Genting Highlands yesterday. It was a sudden plan... But yesterday was the first time I went to Genting. It was such a bad idea to go there on a Saturday without booking a room. Viknes and I spend the whole night at casino and First World Hotel lobby. And from what I see, we are not the only one haha... No room was available.

I might go for a second trip with room booked and a plan of what am I going to do. By the way, I wanted to talk about movies. Yes movies... I feel it is unfair to release 5 movies at a time on Pongal. I think I am going to have a movie marathon.. Maybe spend the whole weekend at cinemas...

Let me tell why I feel like watching all 5...

Number 1, Yennai Arindhal. I want to watch it because Thala is acting and I don't want to miss Ajith and Trisha's chemistry on screen...

Number 2, I. I like Vikram. Such a good actor. I watched the trailer and it was awesome. I wanted to know why Vikram looks like the beast from Beauty and the Beast.

Number 3, Kaakhisattai. Who want to miss Sivakarthikeyan on screen acting? He is humorous. I might go for laugh over action. But I don't know what will be the genre of the movie.

Number 4, Komban. I saw Karthi in village look and imagining this movie could be watched with family. And Lakshmi Menon is acting too...

Lastly, Ambala. Sundar C, Vishal and Hansika. Could be a comedy number...

Thursday 4 December 2014


Finally, I am married... Thank God everything went well and now I am ready to start a new life with Viknes...

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Run Away

Oh I remember my password...

It has been such a long since since I write here. I missed writing but I just want to shut myself out from the world.  

Things have been not good since the year started. I was very ambitious this year, to achieve a very ordinary dream for everyone. People say "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars"

I am not among stars and moon is just so far away. So far away.

If you have watched VIP(Velai Illa Paddathari), you might know this song. I find this particular line suits my situation now very well.

Maaman Otandi Periya Loosandi
Adi Vangiye Naa Strongana Maayandi
Aanaen Naan Bondi
Athayumthaan Thaandi Poraaduven
Naa Veriyana Virumaandi

I wanted to write how I feel. What made me feel this way? Who am I supposed to tell?

Actually, I do not want to tell anyone. I just don't want. 

To be exact, I want to go to a place where nobody knows me. I just want to run away from everything.


Sunday 15 June 2014


Hello everyone...

Happy Sunday! My parents and my brother are at Cameron Highlands and I am here at Cyberjaya, well practically just enjoying my offday.

So it is Father's Day today. I just called my father and wished him. He said he will buy me dinner when I am back home. Appa, I will buy you dinner okay. It's your day.

I did not buy any gift for my father. Honestly, I don't know what to get for him. So, I decided that I will buy for him dinner once I go back to Teluk Intan. Furthermore, it will be his birthday next month.

It's World Cup now and I am very sure my father will enjoy watching the games if he have the time. I still remember I told my father that I will send him to watch the final game for World Cup 2014. I thought by that time I will be 24 and have all the money in the world. Hahaha, typical teenager's mind. Oh, typical 90's teenager's mind.

You supported me when I was on athletics at school when Amma does not approve. And this quote below is for you:-

Hmmmmm ( a big sigh), I am sorry if I have ever hurt you in anyway. I hope God gives you health and happiness. I know your life has been a tough one but you are a strong person Appa.

Happy Father's Day to all fathers and father to be out there!!!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Fifty Shades of Brown


If you are brown, I bet you experience the above. 50 shades of brown.

Have you ever noticed your face, neck, arms, hands and legs are all in different shades of brown...

It is annoying to see your face and neck is darker than your hands. Annoying...

Good day!!!

Sunday 8 June 2014

June is here...

Hi all,

Happy June!!!

I have been neglecting the blog for almost a month now. I have so many things to write about... about my hauls, blood donation and Chittiraipournami celebration this year. I was busy on May. Along with Chittiraipournami break, I actually had another 3 days break which I spent at Teluk Intan too.

First half of the year is gone and now comes the second half of the year. 6 months to go to welcome 2015 and I already make a decision of what my resolutions going to be.

My resolution next year will be 'NO RESOLUTIONS'. Yes no resolutions okay. Eff resolutions. I wrote about my resolutions for 2014 here. Reading it and looking at my room wall where I did some DIY wall reminder, I am feeling so bad. I am not at any point close to achieve any of my freaking goals.

Let's see...

Number ONE, to have healthy hair and skin. I still have not straighten or rebond my hair. My attempt of maintaining my curls is not successful. It requires a lot of maintenance. I don't know if I am doing anything wrong or my hair is very rebellious. I now decided to straighten my hair. At least, I can look presentable without worrying about my frizzy hair. How about my skin??? I am still on experiment with these but the skin care is going on well. I scrub my face every 3 days, I put a face mask once a week and I even learned to do a facial steam at home.

Number TWO, lose 10kg. Hahahahaha, a big laugh here because Viknes, my mother and my mother in law actually noticed I look smaller than last time. My friend Relina said my cheek is not fat as last time. And all of them said I looked better before I loose weight. I did not even loose weight drastically. It is just 1 or 2 kg. I read somewhere that the scale is not important but the body fat percentage. I am very confused but I still watch my food intake.

Number THREE, pass JPJ test. I could not even think of going back for another driving lesson or test. Waste of money and time. And, my dream of getting a car will not come true for now.

Number FOUR, spend more time on cooking. This one put a smile on my face because I do cook almost everyday now. Yeah!!!

Number FIVE, less time on social networking. This one, hmm I don't know. I log on Facebook everyday. I play Criminal Case on Facebook. I read other blogs. I don't know really.

Well, many things happened first half of the year and I got lost in it. I discovered a lot of new things and most important, lesson learnt. I am not having any expectations for the next 6 months.

As much as I want to write, I couldn't because some posts require photo especially the haul post and my USB cable/port is not working (not sure which one). I even tried to bluetooth the picture from my phone to the laptop but I couldn't. I can hear the sound when USB is connected but I could not find the device.

Anyways, I feel bad for not writing. I will find a way even it takes months.

Have a great Sunday all!!!

Tuesday 13 May 2014


Hi all,

I am too excited that I couldn't sleep.

I can't wait for Chittiraipournami. Yahoo!!!


Monday 12 May 2014

Wednesday + Thursday #5

Hi all,

I started my off day on Wednesday (7/5) watching Vetti Pasanga. It is a Malaysian Tamil Movie.

I slept until 5p.m. that day and did my laundry. I cooked fried rice for myself and continued the rest of the night watching The Mindy Project series again.

The next day, I woke up quite early despite sleeping late. I organized my room with more attention paid to my clothes and toiletries. I ordered Domino's Pizza for lunch. I was too lazy to cook. 

While having my Aloha Chicken Pizza, I watched Idhu Kadhirvelan Kadhal.

Nayanthara is one of my favourite actress. I like her outfits in this movie. This movie has a good story too.

I didn't cook for my dinner as well. I bought Nasi Goreng Cili Padi from the Malay restaurant at Cyberia. I had remaining Crazy Chicken Crunchies(Tomyam) from Domino's that I ordered earlier, so hmm it was a heavy dinner. I watched another movie called the Leap Year. Oh my god, the place where the hero (Matthew Goode) proposed to Amy Adams was awesome.

I ended my off days buying tickets for me and Viknes to go back to Teluk Intan next Tuesday (as in tomorrow literally). I am freaking excited because this is our first bus trip together and finally he is coming to celebrate Chittiraipournami with my family.

Friday 9 May 2014

Part 1:Joy

"Ma, why did you name me Joy?"
"Well Joy, this is the twentieth time you are asking this question and I have been answering you the same since you asked. Again, you brought joy to me and Pa when you were born. We have been waiting for a cute baby like you for years and you came. You brought smile to our faces... thus we thought there is no better name for you than Joy"

Lying on bed, the conversation Joy had with her mother years ago is playing in her head again and again. Joy is a petite early-twenties girl who is currently working in an office as a personal assistant to a successful businesswoman. The conversation triggered after she met a businessman on a meeting yesterday.

Such a charming man. Tall and he looked very confident presenting his business proposal to her lady boss, Maria. As much as Maria was impressed, Joy was beyond impressed. There is something about this man. Something. Maybe because once both of them were introduced by Maria, "Hi, this is my PA Joy and Joy, this is Ryan." Ryan said "Oh, this is the girl who booked my appointment with you. Joy, such a happy name and Joy, each time you call, I have happy vibes around me. Glad to meet you"

"Glad to meet you too Mr.Ryan." Joy wished she have a mirror to control her  expression. All that she know, she was smiling until her face muscles stretch to the  point she can feel it once she stopped smiling. It was a successful business meeting and Joy know she will now be in contact with Ryan more.

And, her first task after the meeting is to do some paper works before Maria goes for her wedding holiday for a month. Ryan would be taking over Maria's position for a month which officially makes Joy as his personal assistant. And it starts today.

Joy got up from her bed and took a quick shower. She always dress for comfort. It is Friday, so she thought she will go with a lace neckline top with jeans. She reached her office at 7.50a.m.. She prepared the agenda for the day and had a cup of coffee with tuna sandwich she bought at a nearby ranch.

Ryan walked in the office at 08.15 a.m.. He looked so much different than the person she meet yesterday for the presentation. He was dressed up casually but he looked like he were lost. "Hi, Mr Ryan, good morning. Would you like to have coffee or tea?" No answer from him and all she heard was his office door being closed and that is, closed hard. "Oh well, I guess not a good morning for him."

About 9.00 a.m., Joy knocked Ryan's office door. "Come in."
"Hi, Mr Ryan. Sorry to disturb you but you have a meeting with the staff at 10.00 a.m.. You can introduce yourself and advise what will be your role for this one month and the collaboration with Miss Maria."
"Oh, okay! Hmm, not a good day for me. I am sorry earlier. I kept quiet because I do not want to show my temper to anyone. Can I have a cup of coffee Joy?"

"Oh sure Mr Ryan. It will be ready in a minute."
"Oh Joy, wait. How old are you?"
"I am err, 23 years old." Joy could not figure out what her age is got to do with a cup of coffee. She is going to mix the instant coffee anyway.
"Just call me Ryan okay. I am not that old for you to call Mister"
"Hmm okay Ryan. I will be back soon with your coffee."

To be continued...

Tuesday 6 May 2014

I miss my blog!!!


That was 3 blog post in one day, few hours. I missed my blog. I still have another blog post, actually 2 which I will write about it soon.

Soon... one would be my April haul and the other one is blood donation.


Career describes an individuals' journey through learning, work and other aspects of life. There are a number of ways to define a career and the term is used in a variety of ways. - Wikipedia

Do you still remember that we will be given a card during primary school where we need to write 3 of our ambitions? And each year, we will have different choice but for some it still stays the same. The most common choice would be doctor and teacher, haha!!!

The card

I still remember what my choice were, the first two choice which was businesswoman (peniaga) and teacher. My mother wanted me to be an accountant but I am terrible at Mathematics, so I was not bothered to even consider that as my ambition. Where am I working again now, a bank... hahaha!!!

As years pass by, I was clueless. I got Science Stream for Form 4 and 5, so I don't know. After my SPM trials, my school had a education booth set up.

I was so interested with Public Relation, Event Management, Hotel Management, Journalism, Mass Communication and Interior Designing. I collected all the pamplets related to that particular course. 

I had no idea about Public Relations but I liked the job scope. I really like to manage events. I wanted to do Hotel Management because I was attracted with the word management and influenced a little by Viknes, (he was working in a hotel that time,2007). I liked Journalism because it is cool to interview people and I was the Media Club President that time. I was interested with Interior Designing since Form 2.

The idea for Physiotherapy came when I accompanied my grandmother to clinic after her leg amputation due to diabetes. I liked the way the bones were named and that was my final choice.

My CGPA was not bad. It was above 3.5. But, I did not secure a job. I was feeling so helpless after graduating with my mother constantly blaming me for choosing Physiotherapy. I logged into Jobstreet and submitted on every job that I can find.

So the bank called and I get the job after 4 phase of interviews. Now, the department I am working will be closed soon. I still have the job, thank God but again I need to mark the 3 options like I did during primary school for deployment.

I don't know where I will end up. It is  a mystery. Contact centre or a more promising department? Let's see...

Wednesday + Thursday #4

Hi again,

Now, this is about my last off day. I only got one off day because I swapped with my colleague. I didn't know Viknes will come over again so I agreed for the swap... But anyway, my off day was spent well. Viknes and I had a movie date, yeah!!!

Thank God for The Amazing Spiderman 2... Viknes agreed to watch the movie. We watched the movie in 3D at GSC Alamanda. We bought the ticket for 11.30p.m..

I enjoyed the  movie due to the 3D effects but I feel the story was incomplete. I don't like that Gwen Stacy died.

Viknes stayed with me until Saturday evening and yeah, he had to go.

After so long, a memory is going into my happy jar.


Wednesday + Thursday #3

Hi all,

This post was supposed to be published after the 24th April however duty called and I was busy... actually lazy, no Viknes came over and thus the blog and the world surrounding me was neglected.

So, the 23rd and 24th April off days turned out to be hmm, I guess okay!

On Wednesday, 23rd April, I had lunch with Relina. I owe Relina a lot for her kindness. I planned to clean the room but however I didn't and I was watching The Mindy Project. I have already watched 6 episodes from Season 1. I also watched What Happened in Vegas for the 2nd time but this time, I could understand the emotions more. last time I watched, I was still at high school.

I woke up on Thursday, with no plans ahead. I cooked tomato curry and fried potato for lunch, practically dinner as well. Lazy day because the weather was so comfortable to sleep.

And yeah, Viknes came over on Sunday, 20th April and he went back on Tuesday, 22nd April. I could not not spend time with him at all due to my working hours.

But, came the Labour Day weekend!!!

Thursday 24 April 2014

DIY Face Mask:Green Apple + Honey


I usually use Multani Matti or Fuller's Earth as my face mask but this time I used green apple and honey.

It smells awesome and from the searches I made on the Internet, it has good benefits as well.

Apparently, green apple and honey mask can be used to get a glowing and clear skin due to the anti oxidant properties and it also reduces scar marks if applied on regular basis. That will be once a week.


1. Get the green apple and honey. I used only half of 1 apple and 1 teaspoon of honey.

2. Grate the apple or blend it.


3. Add 1 teaspoon of honey.


It is ready for use. Please wash your face with cleanser before applying the mask. Once the mask dries, please wash with lukewarm water and continue with the normal face care routine; toner, moisturizer etc.

Application time : 15 - 20 minutes

Please avoid the above face mask if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Wednesday + Thursday #2


I said on my earlier post that I am going to change the My Weekends post into My Mid Week however I feel it sounds like midwife so I guess I will name it Wednesday + Thursday.

You guys know my last Wednesday and Thursday was spent back at Teluk Intan.

This time, I took annual leave on Tuesday because my parents, brother and Liony came over to Cyberjaya. They stayed in my small room with no complaints.

Then, we went back to Teluk Intan from Cyberjaya on Wednesday afternoon.

My life was a hassle since the 25th March and I am glad it has become better now. The reason I was going back and forth to Teluk Intan was due to some bad situation in my family.

We found out the reason now and I am hope nobody got burnt by jealousy anywhere. Somebody got jealous, decided to 'burn' the whole family. We lose almost everything. It was very late when we found out but with God's grace, all is fine and hopefully will get better.

I haven't see Viknes since the 1st and I miss him so much.

I am penniless now. I am living with the RM1 note that I saved everyday last time. All my savings are gone...for good. Oh salary, faster come.

That's it... I am not looking forward to next Wednesday + Thursday at all. I am penniless and lonely.

Happy Weekends all!!!

Monday 14 April 2014

Tamil Puthandu Nalvaazhtukal /\


Today is the first day of a new year on Hindu Calendar. 14th April is celebrated as Tamil New Year across the world and as far as I am aware we are  on the "Jaya" year for 2014.

Jaya(Sanskrit) means win, victory and success. Hopefully this year is a successful year for me, my husband and my family.

I am not at home to celebrate the new year with my family...:(


The new year begins at 0841MYT


Happy Jaya Tamil New Year. May this year bring success to everyone.

Sunday 13 April 2014

My Weekends #13


5th and 6th was my last weekend off... my next off days will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Since now my weekends will be a routine at work, I wish not to bore anyone with how I answer calls or how is my day at work.

I will change the title of this post to My Mid Week # 14, #15, #16 and it will go on until the end of this shift which will be on June.

Okay, I told you I went back to Teluk Intan to spend my 6 day holiday. Not much of a holiday with all stressful event going on.

Here are the pictures of my weekend...

This was at Gopeng. We were waiting to see someone and these cows and their calves were passing by to the small field at the backyard.

And yeah, watched Maan Karate with my parents. My brother was there too but his ticket was sponsored by his friends. I laughed so much for this movie. There were claps when Sivakarthikeyan did the Maan Karate pose. Should I do a review???
We bought the ticket around 7p.m. but the movie is at 9p.m.. We went to a restaurant just nearby the cinema theatre above. Oh by the way, the cinema theatre is called My Cinema.
We went to Rooftop Cafe... the environment of the café is suitable for a romantic date.
What we had...
The menu(Debit & Credit card can be only used if your food is above RM100)

Hot Chocolate:Mine

Apple + Ambarella Juice: My mother's

Dragon fruit Juice : My brother's

French Fries

Waffle with Double Scoop Ice Cream(You can choose the flavor)
If you wander where is my father's drinks, he drank White Coffee and he did not let me take a picture of it.
We had only these because we already ate late lunch at Gopeng. Well, the name Rooftop Cafe is because it is situated at the second floor. The service could have been better.
We had to request for chili sauce for fries and the most ice cream flavor is not available.
But anyway, if you are a Teluk Intanian, you can bring your girl/boyfriend, fiancé/fiancée and husband/wife for a quiet date here. They serve alcoholic beverages too.
That's how I end my weekend.
And the rest of the days, I spend watching Food Network(I have a new favourite cooking show now). I bought a blouse which have batik print(I think so) for my department's event and taking care of my mother and digesting the fact of the current terrible situation at my house. Nothing related to my parents or brother, it's just the situation which is very hard to explain.

Friday 4 April 2014

Weekend Teaser #2

Hi everyone,

I have received Fashion Culture Box for March last week but I am not free to write any reviews on it.

I planned to go for Putrajaya International Book Fair from 19th-23th March but well, again I had no chance because of working hours.

I also planned to go Yuttha Medai Finals at Kru Studio, Cyberjaya on 22nd March and to go to Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta from 27th-30th March.

But all of those plans did not happen accordingly. I am quite disappointed... :(

Let me stop what happened and talk about what is going to happen. I will be away from tomorrow 5th April and will be back on 11th April. I am going back to my hometown.

There is no Internet access back home so I will not be on Facebook or blogging.


Take care everyone!!!

Wednesday 2 April 2014

My Weekends #12

Hi again,

I don't know if I will experience such a busy week again but I pray I will never go through this again. On top of PMS, the two most important people in my life went through difficulties which required me to be with them. It is not a requirement but my responsibility.

When I say the most important people in my life, it is my mother and my husband.

Long story cut short, my mother was admitted to hospital due to anemia and my husband was missing for 3 days or I thought so he were missing with many speculations on my mind; he got into an accident, he went to Singapore and my brother even suggested me to report on Saturday with my marriage registration certificate that my husband is missing and the family are telling he went to JB. I couldn't reach him on both his numbers. All this happened on the same week.

I was stressed with my mother's condition and what happened to Viknes. Actually Friday evening I knew what happened but I did not get a clear picture and oh my god, I just realized how selfish some people could be. How selfish and ignorant!!! How arrogant they are with I KNOW ALL attitude.

Anyway, I am thankful to God that both are fine now. My mother was discharged on Sunday;30/3/2014 and I managed to see Viknes yesterday;1/4/2014.

I am relieved now but I am still worried over both of them. I really need my next off days and sorry, as much as I like to help with work, my mother and husband are important for me. No extra hours from me.

I need someone to listen and yes, they listened just how I wanted. I can manage and I don't need any advise and please respect my feelings if I prefer not to talk about my problems.

I guess my office has seen many drama queens and surprised I didn't do the same crying and MIA activities. Just my guess.

Okay, well my 12th week was busy and stressful but it taught me a lot.

My Weekends #11


This update is about my weekends on the 22nd and 23rd of March. It was the most boring weekend so far.

I had many plans for the week but I decided to sleep, sleep and sleep. I regret it later.

Maybe it was due to PMS.

Haha... that's me last week.
I was planning to write this post on 25th and 26th March but I was busy paying bills after salary and I went to my colleague Dell's house to help her prepare food for our department's Reward & Recognition event.

And something happened after 26th March till yesterday that I didn't write anything here for some time.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Potato Yogurt Rice

Original recipe is here. I found this great website and my thanks to you Talimpu.

So the original recipe was for 4 servings and it looks moist. Mine was dry because I preferred it that way!!!


I cut the potato into small pieces and boil it as per instruction.
I grated ginger. I cut the green chilli into small piece as well.

Once the potato is soft, I drained the water and fried it.

On a bowl, I mashed the rice. I add yogurt, turmeric, salt and I mixed it.

On a wok, I heat oil and add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, grated ginger,asoefitida and green chilli.

Then, I add them into the mixed yogurt rice. I then add the fried potato.

Yummy! Yummy!

It was a quick vegetarian dish.

Fried Egg Sambal

Presentation sucks!!! But it tastes good...
Fry the egg. Cut the onion ad garlic. Grate ginger.
On a wok, heat up oil. Add the cut onion and garlic. After sometime, add the ginger.
Then, add chilli powder and tamarind water.
Once it starts to boil, add tomatoes and egg.
Add salt and ready!!!

Poached Egg & Capsicum in Oyster Sauce

Sorry peeps,

I am going to post my silly recipes... If you want to laugh at it, go ahead. I am still learning. Anyway for this particular recipe, I created it and even got a good comment from my housemate.

I know poached egg is one of the hardest thing to cook. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it don't like what you see in the picture above.
I poached two eggs.
Cut half of green capsicum into long piece as above.
Cut onion and garlic. Grate ginger too.
On a wok, heat oil. Add onion, garlic and grated ginger.
Then, add oyster sauce with some water. Once it boils, add the poached egg.
I don't add salt because oyster sauce is salty already but if you want it to taste more salty, then go ahead.

Vegetarian Fried Rice


As per the title, I am going to post about my own version of Vegetarian Fried Rice.

Steps :-
Fry the tauhu until it is golden brown. Boil the mixed vegetable with some salt. Cut onion and garlic into small pieces. Grate the ginger.
In a wok, add oil. Once the oil is hot, add onion and garlic. Add grated ginger.
Then, add the chilli powder with water. Let it cook a while until the powder smell vanishes. Add cold rice.
Then, add the mixed vegetable and fried tauhu.
It is now ready!!!

Monday 17 March 2014

My Weekends #10

Hi and hello,

I am back with my weekends post. I went back to my hometown last week and I escaped from the bad haze at Cyberjaya.

I reached Teluk Intan on Friday afternoon. I didn't go anywhere on Friday and Saturday. I went out yesterday for a wedding and wedding reception of my brother's friend's sister...

I came back to a better weather and no water supply. I had to go to management's office to ask the reason and they told me the house owner have not paid the water bill yet. :(... anyways the water supply is back now.

Look... it is way better!!! Thank you God...

Happy Monday!!!

Thursday 13 March 2014


I wanted to blog about the haze at Cyberjaya on the 3rd of March and took a picture. I forgot about this picture sitting on my folder. And now the haze is much more terrible. I can smell and feel it.

Some info and tips about haze...


Sunday 9 March 2014



Let's pray for all the passengers, cabin crews, pilot and co-pilot of MH370. I could not imagine how sad the family members are.

I am keeping my weekends post on hold until the result is out. I am watching live updates from Astro Awani on Youtube now. We have to be prepared for the worst but let's just have some positive thought.

Friday 7 March 2014

Happy International Women's Day

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow, 8th of March will be International Women's Day. I am taking this opportunity to wish all the beautiful women in my life a very Happy International Women's Day.

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. And this year, the theme would be Inspiring Change.

Inspiring Change for greater awareness of women's equality...
Inspiring Change for more women is senior leadership roles...
Inspiring Change for equal recognition of women in the arts...
Inspiring Change for growth of women owned business...
Inspiring Change for increased financial independence of women...
Inspiring Change for more women in science, engineering and technology...
Inspiring Change for fairer recognition of women in sport...

So all women out there,

Let's celebrate

And two quotes caught my attention today, here it is.

For more information, please go to