Sunday 8 June 2014

June is here...

Hi all,

Happy June!!!

I have been neglecting the blog for almost a month now. I have so many things to write about... about my hauls, blood donation and Chittiraipournami celebration this year. I was busy on May. Along with Chittiraipournami break, I actually had another 3 days break which I spent at Teluk Intan too.

First half of the year is gone and now comes the second half of the year. 6 months to go to welcome 2015 and I already make a decision of what my resolutions going to be.

My resolution next year will be 'NO RESOLUTIONS'. Yes no resolutions okay. Eff resolutions. I wrote about my resolutions for 2014 here. Reading it and looking at my room wall where I did some DIY wall reminder, I am feeling so bad. I am not at any point close to achieve any of my freaking goals.

Let's see...

Number ONE, to have healthy hair and skin. I still have not straighten or rebond my hair. My attempt of maintaining my curls is not successful. It requires a lot of maintenance. I don't know if I am doing anything wrong or my hair is very rebellious. I now decided to straighten my hair. At least, I can look presentable without worrying about my frizzy hair. How about my skin??? I am still on experiment with these but the skin care is going on well. I scrub my face every 3 days, I put a face mask once a week and I even learned to do a facial steam at home.

Number TWO, lose 10kg. Hahahahaha, a big laugh here because Viknes, my mother and my mother in law actually noticed I look smaller than last time. My friend Relina said my cheek is not fat as last time. And all of them said I looked better before I loose weight. I did not even loose weight drastically. It is just 1 or 2 kg. I read somewhere that the scale is not important but the body fat percentage. I am very confused but I still watch my food intake.

Number THREE, pass JPJ test. I could not even think of going back for another driving lesson or test. Waste of money and time. And, my dream of getting a car will not come true for now.

Number FOUR, spend more time on cooking. This one put a smile on my face because I do cook almost everyday now. Yeah!!!

Number FIVE, less time on social networking. This one, hmm I don't know. I log on Facebook everyday. I play Criminal Case on Facebook. I read other blogs. I don't know really.

Well, many things happened first half of the year and I got lost in it. I discovered a lot of new things and most important, lesson learnt. I am not having any expectations for the next 6 months.

As much as I want to write, I couldn't because some posts require photo especially the haul post and my USB cable/port is not working (not sure which one). I even tried to bluetooth the picture from my phone to the laptop but I couldn't. I can hear the sound when USB is connected but I could not find the device.

Anyways, I feel bad for not writing. I will find a way even it takes months.

Have a great Sunday all!!!

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