Sunday 15 June 2014


Hello everyone...

Happy Sunday! My parents and my brother are at Cameron Highlands and I am here at Cyberjaya, well practically just enjoying my offday.

So it is Father's Day today. I just called my father and wished him. He said he will buy me dinner when I am back home. Appa, I will buy you dinner okay. It's your day.

I did not buy any gift for my father. Honestly, I don't know what to get for him. So, I decided that I will buy for him dinner once I go back to Teluk Intan. Furthermore, it will be his birthday next month.

It's World Cup now and I am very sure my father will enjoy watching the games if he have the time. I still remember I told my father that I will send him to watch the final game for World Cup 2014. I thought by that time I will be 24 and have all the money in the world. Hahaha, typical teenager's mind. Oh, typical 90's teenager's mind.

You supported me when I was on athletics at school when Amma does not approve. And this quote below is for you:-

Hmmmmm ( a big sigh), I am sorry if I have ever hurt you in anyway. I hope God gives you health and happiness. I know your life has been a tough one but you are a strong person Appa.

Happy Father's Day to all fathers and father to be out there!!!

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