Wednesday 2 April 2014

My Weekends #12

Hi again,

I don't know if I will experience such a busy week again but I pray I will never go through this again. On top of PMS, the two most important people in my life went through difficulties which required me to be with them. It is not a requirement but my responsibility.

When I say the most important people in my life, it is my mother and my husband.

Long story cut short, my mother was admitted to hospital due to anemia and my husband was missing for 3 days or I thought so he were missing with many speculations on my mind; he got into an accident, he went to Singapore and my brother even suggested me to report on Saturday with my marriage registration certificate that my husband is missing and the family are telling he went to JB. I couldn't reach him on both his numbers. All this happened on the same week.

I was stressed with my mother's condition and what happened to Viknes. Actually Friday evening I knew what happened but I did not get a clear picture and oh my god, I just realized how selfish some people could be. How selfish and ignorant!!! How arrogant they are with I KNOW ALL attitude.

Anyway, I am thankful to God that both are fine now. My mother was discharged on Sunday;30/3/2014 and I managed to see Viknes yesterday;1/4/2014.

I am relieved now but I am still worried over both of them. I really need my next off days and sorry, as much as I like to help with work, my mother and husband are important for me. No extra hours from me.

I need someone to listen and yes, they listened just how I wanted. I can manage and I don't need any advise and please respect my feelings if I prefer not to talk about my problems.

I guess my office has seen many drama queens and surprised I didn't do the same crying and MIA activities. Just my guess.

Okay, well my 12th week was busy and stressful but it taught me a lot.

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