Tuesday 6 May 2014

Wednesday + Thursday #4

Hi again,

Now, this is about my last off day. I only got one off day because I swapped with my colleague. I didn't know Viknes will come over again so I agreed for the swap... But anyway, my off day was spent well. Viknes and I had a movie date, yeah!!!

Thank God for The Amazing Spiderman 2... Viknes agreed to watch the movie. We watched the movie in 3D at GSC Alamanda. We bought the ticket for 11.30p.m..

I enjoyed the  movie due to the 3D effects but I feel the story was incomplete. I don't like that Gwen Stacy died.

Viknes stayed with me until Saturday evening and yeah, he had to go.

After so long, a memory is going into my happy jar.


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