Sunday 13 April 2014

My Weekends #13


5th and 6th was my last weekend off... my next off days will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Since now my weekends will be a routine at work, I wish not to bore anyone with how I answer calls or how is my day at work.

I will change the title of this post to My Mid Week # 14, #15, #16 and it will go on until the end of this shift which will be on June.

Okay, I told you I went back to Teluk Intan to spend my 6 day holiday. Not much of a holiday with all stressful event going on.

Here are the pictures of my weekend...

This was at Gopeng. We were waiting to see someone and these cows and their calves were passing by to the small field at the backyard.

And yeah, watched Maan Karate with my parents. My brother was there too but his ticket was sponsored by his friends. I laughed so much for this movie. There were claps when Sivakarthikeyan did the Maan Karate pose. Should I do a review???
We bought the ticket around 7p.m. but the movie is at 9p.m.. We went to a restaurant just nearby the cinema theatre above. Oh by the way, the cinema theatre is called My Cinema.
We went to Rooftop Cafe... the environment of the café is suitable for a romantic date.
What we had...
The menu(Debit & Credit card can be only used if your food is above RM100)

Hot Chocolate:Mine

Apple + Ambarella Juice: My mother's

Dragon fruit Juice : My brother's

French Fries

Waffle with Double Scoop Ice Cream(You can choose the flavor)
If you wander where is my father's drinks, he drank White Coffee and he did not let me take a picture of it.
We had only these because we already ate late lunch at Gopeng. Well, the name Rooftop Cafe is because it is situated at the second floor. The service could have been better.
We had to request for chili sauce for fries and the most ice cream flavor is not available.
But anyway, if you are a Teluk Intanian, you can bring your girl/boyfriend, fiancé/fiancée and husband/wife for a quiet date here. They serve alcoholic beverages too.
That's how I end my weekend.
And the rest of the days, I spend watching Food Network(I have a new favourite cooking show now). I bought a blouse which have batik print(I think so) for my department's event and taking care of my mother and digesting the fact of the current terrible situation at my house. Nothing related to my parents or brother, it's just the situation which is very hard to explain.

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