Sunday 23 March 2014

Poached Egg & Capsicum in Oyster Sauce

Sorry peeps,

I am going to post my silly recipes... If you want to laugh at it, go ahead. I am still learning. Anyway for this particular recipe, I created it and even got a good comment from my housemate.

I know poached egg is one of the hardest thing to cook. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it don't like what you see in the picture above.
I poached two eggs.
Cut half of green capsicum into long piece as above.
Cut onion and garlic. Grate ginger too.
On a wok, heat oil. Add onion, garlic and grated ginger.
Then, add oyster sauce with some water. Once it boils, add the poached egg.
I don't add salt because oyster sauce is salty already but if you want it to taste more salty, then go ahead.

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