Tuesday 6 May 2014


Career describes an individuals' journey through learning, work and other aspects of life. There are a number of ways to define a career and the term is used in a variety of ways. - Wikipedia

Do you still remember that we will be given a card during primary school where we need to write 3 of our ambitions? And each year, we will have different choice but for some it still stays the same. The most common choice would be doctor and teacher, haha!!!

The card

I still remember what my choice were, the first two choice which was businesswoman (peniaga) and teacher. My mother wanted me to be an accountant but I am terrible at Mathematics, so I was not bothered to even consider that as my ambition. Where am I working again now, a bank... hahaha!!!

As years pass by, I was clueless. I got Science Stream for Form 4 and 5, so I don't know. After my SPM trials, my school had a education booth set up.

I was so interested with Public Relation, Event Management, Hotel Management, Journalism, Mass Communication and Interior Designing. I collected all the pamplets related to that particular course. 

I had no idea about Public Relations but I liked the job scope. I really like to manage events. I wanted to do Hotel Management because I was attracted with the word management and influenced a little by Viknes, (he was working in a hotel that time,2007). I liked Journalism because it is cool to interview people and I was the Media Club President that time. I was interested with Interior Designing since Form 2.

The idea for Physiotherapy came when I accompanied my grandmother to clinic after her leg amputation due to diabetes. I liked the way the bones were named and that was my final choice.

My CGPA was not bad. It was above 3.5. But, I did not secure a job. I was feeling so helpless after graduating with my mother constantly blaming me for choosing Physiotherapy. I logged into Jobstreet and submitted on every job that I can find.

So the bank called and I get the job after 4 phase of interviews. Now, the department I am working will be closed soon. I still have the job, thank God but again I need to mark the 3 options like I did during primary school for deployment.

I don't know where I will end up. It is  a mystery. Contact centre or a more promising department? Let's see...

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