Tuesday 31 December 2013

Goodbye 2013!!!

My best moments of 2013!!!


OMG look at me... this photo was taken during Viknes's sister ROM.

Ipoh Thaipusam Chariot '13
I went to Penang and Ipoh for Thaipusam celebrations. It was fun and I think it is a blessing to see chariots.

My brother and his priceless pose
My brother. I hope 2014 brings him success and luck. 
ROM 19.7.2013
The only family photo that I got during my ROM. Sad, my brother is not in the photo... he took this photo.
Awkward moments posing for studio photos...:)

My parents
 It is very hard to get a picture of my parents. My mother always close her eyes and my father don't normally look at camera. So, at least this could do for 2013.

My favourite picture with my mother
This was during our Deepavali trip to Cameron Highlands. This was taken at Lata Iskandar (I think so). It was an unexpected stop nearby the waterfall and that's the reason for the inappropriate attire.

Christmas '13
This year, I didn't get to see beautiful Christmas decorations at any shopping complexes. This was at IOI Mall Puchong.

Deepavali '13

My lousy kolam. The 'kumbam' and the lotus flower design was not my idea, my mother's. She used a stencil box (not sure of the name). I am working on getting a beautiful kolam.

My colleagues... happy faces because of the good people and good food...

Gift from business this year for Christmas...i ate the missing chocolate because it was so tempting!!!

Another 12 hours for 2014!!!

Goodbye 2013!!!

2014 Resolutions


I have finished reviewing my resolutions for 2013 and time to list down 2014 goals.


1. Have a healthy hair and skin

All this years, I did not pay attention or care about my hair. I rebond it every 6 months and as long it is not frizzy, I am fine with it. But throughout 2013, I tried to embrace my natural curls, thanks to Internet, I did a lot of web browsing and figured out what type of curly hair mine is and how to take care of it. I hope with all the knowledge, I can get beautiful, at least healthy curly hair before 2014 ends.

My face and body is included in skin care. I am trying to switch to more nature based product and I hope it goes well.

2. Lose 10 kg

I am not fat. I am not overweight. I am at the border to be overweight. I just have extra fat at certain areas which I am trying to reduce and hopefully I will lose 10 kg by end of 2014. I am trying to lose weight in a healthy way, strictly no diet.

3. Pass JPJ test

I passed my computer test on December and I have driving lessons on January. I hope I can pass my JPJ test and yes be a good driver.

4. Spend more time on cooking

I can only cook simple dishes based on recipes. I would like to explore more dishes, not only Indian dishes.

5. Less time on social networking

I log in to facebook almost everyday, everytime to be exact. I would like to stop that and limit myself. I would like spend time on real life.


This are my 5 major resolutions. I have other 5 which I would like to keep it personal.

Happy New Year 2014!!!

Thursday 26 December 2013

My 2013!!!

I wrote about my resolutions for 2013 here.

It is time for me to review it. I will be happy if I accomplish it but if I don't, I will try my best again this year.

1. Lead a healthy lifestyle

I did put effort to reduce weight and eat in a healthy way. Thanks to FitnessBlender videos and iVillage daily tips. I subscribed iVillage's newsletter and everyday they have easy tips to either switch your food to a more healthier option or what exercise you can do at your desk in office. I was determined for first 2 months and then I started back last 2 months. I was lost in between. I did not exercise but as I say I reduced fast food, I used staircase instead of lift and I reduced sugar intake in my drinks.

I tried to change my hair and face products which contains less chemical than previous one. I also did not rebond my hair for a year, yeah so happy!!!

2. Spend less, save more

I budget my expenses carefully this year but my ROM was on 19/7/2013 and yes, I spend money on my saree, accessories, travelling, the henna and the food. I bought a smartphone and Ipod Shuffle 4 with my savings. So, it was basically savings which I used to do things or buy things required. I know this is not a good thing but I will put more initiative to save. I did save new RM1 everyday, I save coins...next year going to be a very challenging year in terms of financial stability but I have to go through it.

3. Do the best in my job

I really worked hard for a good performance this year. There are times I was demotivated or lazy which put my performance score down but I hope I can give my 100% to my work next year. I am not sure if I will stay at the same work or change, but wherever it is, I will work hard.

4. Move to a better place

I planned to move from my rented room here to a better house or room. I have to consider many things before I do that and yeah, I am actually writing this from my same old room where I wrote the last year's resolutions.

5. Vacations!!!

I am stressed over this. I really wanted to go for one but there were so many restrictions. I got lazy fighting and being emotionally attacked by someone who is dear to me, not my husband...and I am waiting to go for one.

I already have my resolutions for 2014 and the best self achievement was passing the computer test for my licence. I also reached my goal of being MC free at work and I got my marriage registered this year.

I do not have planning to take licence but I am happy I went ahead despite my fear of road.


Tuesday 24 December 2013

Notable Death 2013 #3

And in Malaysia Tamil entertainment industry...

Anterra Motorsport Vice President and a singer for No Entry, Rahna died in a car crash.


May all wonderful souls who passed away on 2013 rest in peace.

Notable Death 2013 #2

And in Kollywood...

Manjula Vijayakumar (9/9/1953-23/7/2013)

She is a veteran actress.

Vaali (29/10/1931-18/7/2013

He is a lyricist and a poet.

Raghuram (1949 - 30/11/2013)

He is a choreographer.

Manivannan (31/7/1954-15/6/2013)

He is a versatile actor and director.

Chitti Babu (10/1/1964-8/11/2013)

He is a comedian and actor.

Notable Death 2013 #1

2013 is going to end in one week time and definitely it is time to look at achievements, the good and the bad.

I have my own resolutions to look at and to have one for 2014, but I wanted to write this post for some time and let me do it first before I forget.

We have lost actors and legends who are very famous in their own way.

Nelson Mandela (18/7/1918 - 5/12/2013)

More about him : http://www.nelsonmandela.org/

Paul Walker ( 12/9/1973 - 30/11/2013)

Margaret Thatcher (13/10/1925 - 8/4/2013)


These people with no doubt has captured many hearts. Many people have them as their idol. Their loss, for me, is a notable and great loss for the world.

Monday 23 December 2013

Inspirational Quotes #2


I just heard bad news related to work yesterday and I feel so demotivated. I searched for quotes that I can relate so I can go through the feeling. And it is time to look for another job.

I want a new job with better pay.


Yes, money is not the most important thing in life but we need it. There is increase in price for everything; fuel, electricity, public transport fee...must work towards it!!!
I felt so comfortable working at this place with the people and everything but hmm it is time for me to step out.
Best new year gift ever!!!

Saturday 21 December 2013

Watsons VIP Card


Watsons VIP Card is now with Touch n Go feature. What you need to do is :

You can walk into any nearest Watsons now to upgrade the card. I went to IOI Mall Puchong.

1. Go to the counter and ask the cashier that you would like to upgrade your Watsons Member card.

2. It is RM6 for members and RM18 for non members.

3. The cashier will ask if you would like to deduct the points on your card (if you are a member) to 
    upgrade. I chose to deduct my points and pay.

4. I got the card and RM5000 reward vouchers!!!

Please do not forget to register your card at http://vip.watsons.com.my/ or call their customer service at 1 300 880 847. Please also register your card at http://www.touchngo.com.my/ .

The card and the Vouchers

I got the vouchers and the first voucher I see was discount voucher for KFC. So, I decided to use it.
And last but not least, picture of the day with the Santa and the Santarina of Watsons. The Santarina requested me to upload the picture on Facebook and hashtag Watsons Malaysia. I did it right away....
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Watsons Malaysia. Please like the Watsons Malaysia facebook page and get updated with their exciting promotions and events.


Tuesday 17 December 2013

Monday Madness


My Monday was mad and crazy. I start work at 1400MYT and I went to washroom to take shower at 1130MYT and surprise, surprise there is no water from the tap.

I called my landlord and he called me back and advised that the main pipe broke and it will take some time to fix it. I kept water in a container and I used it.

I reached office at 1330MYT. Surprise, surprise everyone was on white. I was wearing black pants, black sheer top and a grey cardigan. Seriously, I did not get any communication that Monday's theme will be white.

I was freaking hungry. I only drank Milo in the morning so I walked into cafeteria to find people singing on the other side and the main vendor is closed. So, I went upstairs and the cafe was closed as well. Can you imagine? I didn't get any communication for this as well. It seems there will be food served for Christmas, we call it Makan Makan and you will be given a coupon to redeem the food.

I went to my department and nobody was wearing white. It was not only me. My whole department has no idea about the white theme or the food. My manager gave me a coupon but I saw a long queue earlier and I decided to have dinner instead with the coupon.

I had high hopes for the food because for the Deepavali Makan Makan the food was so good. I even considered the catering as one of choice for my wedding reception. So, I went downstairs to redeem food and they don't pack the food, I bought the white colour polystrene for 20cents. It was chicken chop with steamed vegetable and mashed potato. No fork or spoon. I went to get fork and spoon, they said not available.  I went upstairs, my colleague gave me her fork. I ate the food. OH MY GOD!!!, seriously...

Not nice ok... I was so slow doing work today and yeah my Monday was mad... MAD...

Monday 16 December 2013

Nyum Nyum Rice!!!

I always feel incomplete if I didn't eat rice for my lunch or dinner. Well, I am an Indian girl you see and top of that, I like to eat.

I had hig metabolism rate last time but after I start working, it decided to leave me and I gained weight. I had to sacrifice rice for dinner and usually I go for something lighter. I do eat rice sometimes but I reduce my portion.

But, it is amazing with what you can do with rice, with different items that can be cooked. Living in Malaysia, you can't run away from different types of fried rice and this 3 main food, based on rice too...


Indian traditional food. Most popular, chicken and mutton briyani but now we can get prawn, vegetable and fish briyani. The tastiest mutton briyani I have had at Cyberjaya will be at Uncle K Kopitiam, Prima Avenue.

Credits to Google Image
Chicken Rice
Chinese food. I like it when the rice has ginger smell and not sticky. I like roasted chicken with the sweet soy sauce and chilli sauce. Usually, the cook has their own version of soy sauce and chilli sauce. It comes with soup as well. At least, for the time being, I can get chicken rice at Town House Restaurant, Cyberia.

Credits to Google Image
Nasi lemak
Malay food. I like when the rice is steamed. Usually served with anchioves,peanuts and egg. The best nasi lemak I can get now is in front HSBC bus stop at Cyberjaya. Usually they have it in the morning at 0730MYT or at 1800MYT. It is yummylicious.

Credits to Google Image
I love all of these above. Who doesn't ? I must master these three items and cook it on my own.(Another resolution for 2014)
On top of these items, I must also get some other dishes right as well...




Inspirational Quotes #1

It is Monday.

Don't let your day be ruined by Monday Bluessssssssssssss...

Here are some quotes to inspire life :



Come on!!! Monday couldn't be so bad after all!!!

Sunday 15 December 2013

Situation Song #2

And you said, leave your keys on the counter
And you said, call me back at eight
I don't care, that you left me there for hours
But you said, we had what it takes

Why's it feel like you're there
When you're already gone
Why's it feel like you care
When I know that you don't
Everybody needs a chance at love
That's all we need
If you wanna have a chance at us
Then try with me

Too proud for love, he tells me
Too hurt to give it one more shot
Don't drawl me in, he warns me
But now it's too late to give up

So don't say, you'll leave your keys on the counter
And don't say, you'll call me back at eight

Why's it feel like you're there
When you're already gone
Why's it feel like you care
When I know that you don't
Everybody needs a chance at love
That's all we need
If you wanna have a chance at us
Then try with me

Don't say a word
If you know that it hurts
You know that it hurts
You know that it hurts

Don't say a word
If you know that it hurts
You know that it hurts
You know that it hurts

Why's it feel like he's there
When I know that he's gone
Why's it feel like he cares
When I know that he don't
Everybody needs a chance at love
That's all we need
If you wanna have a chance at us
Then try with me

Then try with me
Then try with me
Oh, try with me

Don't say a word
If you know that it hurts
You know that it hurts
You know that it hurts

Don't say a word
If you know that it hurts
You know that it hurts
You know that it hurts

I like the place, the dress and the accessories in this song and most important this song relates to my situation now.

Saturday 14 December 2013

DIY Hair Mask

I wrote about my decision that I am going to stop rebonding my hair back in April, thus the post here.

I took some time browsing the websites and blogs for tips to care for curly hair. I did get a lot of information and I decided to change my hair products. The post is here.

I changed my shampoo to Rohini Shikakai Syampoo and the result is good. Less hair fall.

Less hair fall doesn't mean my hair has recovered from it's damage. It is still dry.

The syampoo

After some web browsing, I found a good DIY hair mask for dry and damaged hair.

After I apply this to my hair, my hair was sticky and hard. I can see my curls were defined. I let it on my hair for 1 hour.

After that, I washed my hair with cold water and then I shampoo it. My hair felt soft afterwards.

I am going to practice this every week if possible and hopefully by end of next year, I will have healthy curly hair...(there is already one resolution for 2014).

Friday 13 December 2013

Thank you!!!

As a teenager, I used to have a hate-love relationship with my mother. But, after I start working and live my life on my own, I couldn't be more grateful to the lady who brought me into this world.
Life was not easy for her. She got married at the age of 19 and gave birth to me when she was 21. She started workng very young at the age of 14 to support her family. She has sacrificed  a lot for me and my brother.
I learned patience and hardwork from her. Again, I can't thank her enough with what she have provided me and the values she has taught me that shaped me as a good person today.

Thank you Amma ;)
Since I live 3 hours from my hometown, I spend some time on the phone with my mother everyday. And, I need to thank Digi for giving me the oppurtunity to have free calls and sms to my mother. Yes, I subscribed to Digi Easy Prepaid. That is one of the offer from Digi that I can't resist.
And now Digi is having Thank You Sale for their customers.
All of us are excited with the year end sale now where you can see buy 1 free 1, discount 20%, 70% for all items, you name it. And Digi would like to reward their customers with FREE smartphones, FREE tablets, FREE internet and FREE calls. I couldn't be more excited. Yeah, there is sale everywhere.
 With Digi Thank You Sale, you can reward yourself with either Sony Experia C and Z for free...:).
 Click me
Please click the picture above  for more information.
Drop your shopping bags and be surprised with the awesome rewards.
Have a nice weekend !!!