Thursday 26 December 2013

My 2013!!!

I wrote about my resolutions for 2013 here.

It is time for me to review it. I will be happy if I accomplish it but if I don't, I will try my best again this year.

1. Lead a healthy lifestyle

I did put effort to reduce weight and eat in a healthy way. Thanks to FitnessBlender videos and iVillage daily tips. I subscribed iVillage's newsletter and everyday they have easy tips to either switch your food to a more healthier option or what exercise you can do at your desk in office. I was determined for first 2 months and then I started back last 2 months. I was lost in between. I did not exercise but as I say I reduced fast food, I used staircase instead of lift and I reduced sugar intake in my drinks.

I tried to change my hair and face products which contains less chemical than previous one. I also did not rebond my hair for a year, yeah so happy!!!

2. Spend less, save more

I budget my expenses carefully this year but my ROM was on 19/7/2013 and yes, I spend money on my saree, accessories, travelling, the henna and the food. I bought a smartphone and Ipod Shuffle 4 with my savings. So, it was basically savings which I used to do things or buy things required. I know this is not a good thing but I will put more initiative to save. I did save new RM1 everyday, I save year going to be a very challenging year in terms of financial stability but I have to go through it.

3. Do the best in my job

I really worked hard for a good performance this year. There are times I was demotivated or lazy which put my performance score down but I hope I can give my 100% to my work next year. I am not sure if I will stay at the same work or change, but wherever it is, I will work hard.

4. Move to a better place

I planned to move from my rented room here to a better house or room. I have to consider many things before I do that and yeah, I am actually writing this from my same old room where I wrote the last year's resolutions.

5. Vacations!!!

I am stressed over this. I really wanted to go for one but there were so many restrictions. I got lazy fighting and being emotionally attacked by someone who is dear to me, not my husband...and I am waiting to go for one.

I already have my resolutions for 2014 and the best self achievement was passing the computer test for my licence. I also reached my goal of being MC free at work and I got my marriage registered this year.

I do not have planning to take licence but I am happy I went ahead despite my fear of road.


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