Friday 13 December 2013

Friday Favourites #1


Good Friday to everyone...

Everyone have their favourite body lotion. I knew this is my favourite and 'THE ONE' when I go shopping for my toiletries at Watson last month. I was using this lotion since 2010.

This year I have decided to change my lotion because I want to try a new one. It is not because this lotion do not give any effect or so.

I have dry skin and I work in an air conditioned are which will leave my skin more dry. This lotion helps a lot to keep my skin moisturized.

At Watson, I was browsing the body lotion section where they have many brands but my eyes can only see the JOHNSON'S 24 HOUR LASTING MOISTURE BODY LOTION.

It is enhanced with moisture rich products such as shea butter, vitamin E and jojoba oil.


The bigger bottle is for use at home and the smaller one is to use when I travel.

And the tiny little bottle is JOHNSON'S SOFT & SMOOTH SKIN NOURISHING POWDER which has VITAMIN E and JOJOBA OIL.

I use the powder as my face powder.

I always buy this at Watson's. The price for the bigger (400ml) bottle is RM15.80  and the smaller (100ml) bottle is RM6.39.

The price is at an affordable range and it is definitely a good product for dry skin.

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