Wednesday 26 February 2014

Never a dry moment with NIVEA’s In-Shower Skin Conditioner


Alarm rings. Hit the snooze button. Alarm rings. Hit the snooze button again.

Oh no!!! I have only 30 minutes left to get ready. That is me almost everyday. I always take a quick shower, put a deodorant on, moisturiser for my face and done... off to work.

I skip applying lotion and how bad that habit can be. I do not have time to apply it on my skin when I go to work and by the time I finish work and reach back home, I will be tired to even apply a lotion.

In long term, I know this can be very bad for the skin. With the extreme weather changes and air conditioned working environment, the skin will suffer from dryness.

I read in an article some time back hair conditioner can be used after shower on skin if we do not have time to wear lotion. Oh well, I tried of course, it was sticky and I felt like I have just showered using shampoo.

Looks like I am not the only one with the problem, based on a survey, 70% of Malaysian women do not apply body lotion daily...

I guess Nivea heard my problem and other women and decided to introduce Nivea In Shower Skin Conditioner, the revolutionary new way for silky soft, water-like looking skin everyday!

So, the other day I walked into Guardian and got myself the 2 range of Nivea in Shower Skin Conditioner. One for myself and the other one for my mother.

The skin conditioner range

For normal skin, with sea minerals, for me

For dry skin, with almond oil, for my mother
I used the skin conditioner for normal skin with sea minerals. It does not give the sticky or greasy feeling on the skin. And it does not take time to dry. And, I don't have to waste time wearing lotion before going to work and bed. Shower, condition, sleep... so easy!
How to use? There are instructions at the back of the bottle however let me tell you...
First, use your shower gel and rinse off.
Then, apply Nivea In Shower Skin Conditioner while still in the shower.
Rinse off again and dry yourself.
You are ready to go with a well moisturised skin just like wearing lotion.
It is exactly how you apply hair conditioner to your hair after shampoo.

If you would like to have a visual how to use steps, then watch the video below. With Jason Godfrey as the host and three hunky men and three beautiful ladies, you would not want to miss this sexy in shower experiment.
Visit Nivea's facebook page for more information. You can also join the Pledge to Make Time contest and add three of your BFFs. Who knows, you could walk away with a year supply's Nivea In-Shower Skin Conditioner with your BFFs. I have done my part.
And yeah, now I can sing in shower like this...

Nivea Website :
Go and grab one quickly at nearby Watsons or Guardians. I got one for RM11.88 at Guardian Cyberjaya.
Have a body lotion day everyday with Nivea In-Shower Skin Conditioner.

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