Monday 10 February 2014

My Weekend #5

How was my weekend this time???

I was feeling sick, still feeling sick and I don't know why. I am surviving with Panadol Soluble but I think I need to go to a clinic soon.

I worked on Saturday night because there was no availability at office.

Night shift, what can I do? I came back and slept. I planned to wake up at 1400MYT but slept until 1700GMT.


I went for dinner with my friend Relina at Tappers, Shaftsbury Cyberjaya. The food is awesome. I will definitely go there again. This time, I had 'Kung Po' Chicken Rice and Honey Lemon water. Aother reason apart from the food would be the environment. I was too hungry to take photographs. Maybe next time...

'Kung Po' Chicken Rice
Picture credit goes to

Picture credit goes to
And I called it a wrap for week 5 of the year!!!

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