Friday 3 January 2014

How to Keep with New Year Resolutions


It is the third day of a brand new year... 3rd January 2014.

How is your resolutions going? If you don't have one, it is okay... maybe you have not figure it out yet.

Okay, it is quite funny but true. Most of us are motivated to keep up with resolutions for the first week or the first month. Then, we lose the motivation.
I do that too... this year I would like to stick to my resolutions better than 2013's.I would be happy if I achieve at least 50% of the resolutions.
I searched for ideas on Internet to remember resolutions. Here you go with the ideas...
This is called a New Year Jar. You get a jar and put any items that resemble your resolution. For example, if you would like to buy a car, then you can put a miniature car. In my case, I can put a curly girl picture(printed), number 10 or miniature weighing machine, letter P, miniature stove and letter f to resemble my resolutions.
This is sticky note. You can get a sticky note in different colours, write your resolutions and stick it at any place that you spend most of your time. You can stick at your refrigerator, bedroom wall, mirror, laptop or your work desk.

Handphone/smartphone or laptop/desktop wallpaper. You can choose any picture, in my case I chose the above picture. Write down your resolutions on it and set as your wallpaper.
I choose the sticky note. But I modified it by using coloured papers. I cut 10 different papers in different colours all in same size. I drew my resolutions on it. Then, I stick it on the wall where my laptop table is placed.

If anyone reads this blog, I hope the above ideas are useful.


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