Wednesday 15 January 2014

Sour but Beneficial

Hmm sounds like a truth been revealed but only for me I guess, hehe. I am late to know this, probably because I didn't pay attention to it.

A while back, I wrote about adding lemon to drinking water here. I do this almost everyday. My main concern to do this is because I read it helps on metabolism. But, I realized my complexion has got better too.

Lemon is sour but the benefits are wow, amazing...

  1. Aids digestion. Lemon has Pectin fiber, which helps on digestion.
  2. System cleanser. It flushes toxin out of the body, thus cleansing our system.
  3. Immune system booster. It is rich in Vitamin C, to make it simple, protects body from flu and fever.
  4. Balance pH level. We get sick when our body becomes acidic. Lemon actually alkalize our body.
  5. Clears skin. Lemon is a rich source of anti oxidant and Vitamin C. On top of that, it flushes toxin out o the body thus giving a clearer complexion.
  6. Mood enhancer. Studies show that lemon smell can enhance our mood and relieve us from anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Time to get lemon air freshener.
  7. Aids weight loss. Lemon boosts metabolism and assist fat burning at cellular level. That means,it transports fat as enery.

If you are having flu, fever or are extremely tired, mix 1 tsp of honey with 1 slice of lemon on warm water and drink. It is a very soothing drink. You can get this drink at Old Town White Coffee if you do not want to do it on your own or do not have the time.

Spread lemon juice on your pimple, leave it overnight and wash it the next morning. Use lemon juice directly from the lemon, not the bottled lemon juice.

Add lemon into hair mask if you have dandruff.

Have fun with lemon.


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