Friday 24 January 2014

Oh Time!!!

It is only 24th January but I feel as though half of the year has passed. Time is running extremely fast and we have to run towards it too...


Too many things are going and changing around me now and sometimes I don't know which one to focus. Career, personal, financial, which one??? I made myself to think positively that I can go through it.

This year, I am poor with calendars. My mother bought for me the Hindu calendar and that's it.
Last week, I got the Libresse 2014 calendar that I wanted. My mother bought Libresse and yeah this calendar is free but the moment I saw, I am very excited with how creatively it were designed.
Let me show you...
You can use a marker to capture how you feel everyday on this, basically you can draw an emoticon.
There is a rubber band for you to pull the bow backwards. You can use a paper bullet and release the arrow at your desired target.
" Aim for the stars & reach for the sky"
Always shoot for the stars & reach for the sky
For the secret to sweet success is simply to try
Libresse is in partnership with young Malaysian women in business and the promo on the above calendar is for delightful Potong artisan popsicles.

Log on to for special deals from the The Potong Artisan Pops.

Have a great weekend!!!



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