Thursday 24 April 2014

DIY Face Mask:Green Apple + Honey


I usually use Multani Matti or Fuller's Earth as my face mask but this time I used green apple and honey.

It smells awesome and from the searches I made on the Internet, it has good benefits as well.

Apparently, green apple and honey mask can be used to get a glowing and clear skin due to the anti oxidant properties and it also reduces scar marks if applied on regular basis. That will be once a week.


1. Get the green apple and honey. I used only half of 1 apple and 1 teaspoon of honey.

2. Grate the apple or blend it.


3. Add 1 teaspoon of honey.


It is ready for use. Please wash your face with cleanser before applying the mask. Once the mask dries, please wash with lukewarm water and continue with the normal face care routine; toner, moisturizer etc.

Application time : 15 - 20 minutes

Please avoid the above face mask if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Wednesday + Thursday #2


I said on my earlier post that I am going to change the My Weekends post into My Mid Week however I feel it sounds like midwife so I guess I will name it Wednesday + Thursday.

You guys know my last Wednesday and Thursday was spent back at Teluk Intan.

This time, I took annual leave on Tuesday because my parents, brother and Liony came over to Cyberjaya. They stayed in my small room with no complaints.

Then, we went back to Teluk Intan from Cyberjaya on Wednesday afternoon.

My life was a hassle since the 25th March and I am glad it has become better now. The reason I was going back and forth to Teluk Intan was due to some bad situation in my family.

We found out the reason now and I am hope nobody got burnt by jealousy anywhere. Somebody got jealous, decided to 'burn' the whole family. We lose almost everything. It was very late when we found out but with God's grace, all is fine and hopefully will get better.

I haven't see Viknes since the 1st and I miss him so much.

I am penniless now. I am living with the RM1 note that I saved everyday last time. All my savings are gone...for good. Oh salary, faster come.

That's it... I am not looking forward to next Wednesday + Thursday at all. I am penniless and lonely.

Happy Weekends all!!!

Monday 14 April 2014

Tamil Puthandu Nalvaazhtukal /\


Today is the first day of a new year on Hindu Calendar. 14th April is celebrated as Tamil New Year across the world and as far as I am aware we are  on the "Jaya" year for 2014.

Jaya(Sanskrit) means win, victory and success. Hopefully this year is a successful year for me, my husband and my family.

I am not at home to celebrate the new year with my family...:(


The new year begins at 0841MYT


Happy Jaya Tamil New Year. May this year bring success to everyone.

Sunday 13 April 2014

My Weekends #13


5th and 6th was my last weekend off... my next off days will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Since now my weekends will be a routine at work, I wish not to bore anyone with how I answer calls or how is my day at work.

I will change the title of this post to My Mid Week # 14, #15, #16 and it will go on until the end of this shift which will be on June.

Okay, I told you I went back to Teluk Intan to spend my 6 day holiday. Not much of a holiday with all stressful event going on.

Here are the pictures of my weekend...

This was at Gopeng. We were waiting to see someone and these cows and their calves were passing by to the small field at the backyard.

And yeah, watched Maan Karate with my parents. My brother was there too but his ticket was sponsored by his friends. I laughed so much for this movie. There were claps when Sivakarthikeyan did the Maan Karate pose. Should I do a review???
We bought the ticket around 7p.m. but the movie is at 9p.m.. We went to a restaurant just nearby the cinema theatre above. Oh by the way, the cinema theatre is called My Cinema.
We went to Rooftop Cafe... the environment of the café is suitable for a romantic date.
What we had...
The menu(Debit & Credit card can be only used if your food is above RM100)

Hot Chocolate:Mine

Apple + Ambarella Juice: My mother's

Dragon fruit Juice : My brother's

French Fries

Waffle with Double Scoop Ice Cream(You can choose the flavor)
If you wander where is my father's drinks, he drank White Coffee and he did not let me take a picture of it.
We had only these because we already ate late lunch at Gopeng. Well, the name Rooftop Cafe is because it is situated at the second floor. The service could have been better.
We had to request for chili sauce for fries and the most ice cream flavor is not available.
But anyway, if you are a Teluk Intanian, you can bring your girl/boyfriend, fiancé/fiancée and husband/wife for a quiet date here. They serve alcoholic beverages too.
That's how I end my weekend.
And the rest of the days, I spend watching Food Network(I have a new favourite cooking show now). I bought a blouse which have batik print(I think so) for my department's event and taking care of my mother and digesting the fact of the current terrible situation at my house. Nothing related to my parents or brother, it's just the situation which is very hard to explain.

Friday 4 April 2014

Weekend Teaser #2

Hi everyone,

I have received Fashion Culture Box for March last week but I am not free to write any reviews on it.

I planned to go for Putrajaya International Book Fair from 19th-23th March but well, again I had no chance because of working hours.

I also planned to go Yuttha Medai Finals at Kru Studio, Cyberjaya on 22nd March and to go to Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta from 27th-30th March.

But all of those plans did not happen accordingly. I am quite disappointed... :(

Let me stop what happened and talk about what is going to happen. I will be away from tomorrow 5th April and will be back on 11th April. I am going back to my hometown.

There is no Internet access back home so I will not be on Facebook or blogging.


Take care everyone!!!

Wednesday 2 April 2014

My Weekends #12

Hi again,

I don't know if I will experience such a busy week again but I pray I will never go through this again. On top of PMS, the two most important people in my life went through difficulties which required me to be with them. It is not a requirement but my responsibility.

When I say the most important people in my life, it is my mother and my husband.

Long story cut short, my mother was admitted to hospital due to anemia and my husband was missing for 3 days or I thought so he were missing with many speculations on my mind; he got into an accident, he went to Singapore and my brother even suggested me to report on Saturday with my marriage registration certificate that my husband is missing and the family are telling he went to JB. I couldn't reach him on both his numbers. All this happened on the same week.

I was stressed with my mother's condition and what happened to Viknes. Actually Friday evening I knew what happened but I did not get a clear picture and oh my god, I just realized how selfish some people could be. How selfish and ignorant!!! How arrogant they are with I KNOW ALL attitude.

Anyway, I am thankful to God that both are fine now. My mother was discharged on Sunday;30/3/2014 and I managed to see Viknes yesterday;1/4/2014.

I am relieved now but I am still worried over both of them. I really need my next off days and sorry, as much as I like to help with work, my mother and husband are important for me. No extra hours from me.

I need someone to listen and yes, they listened just how I wanted. I can manage and I don't need any advise and please respect my feelings if I prefer not to talk about my problems.

I guess my office has seen many drama queens and surprised I didn't do the same crying and MIA activities. Just my guess.

Okay, well my 12th week was busy and stressful but it taught me a lot.

My Weekends #11


This update is about my weekends on the 22nd and 23rd of March. It was the most boring weekend so far.

I had many plans for the week but I decided to sleep, sleep and sleep. I regret it later.

Maybe it was due to PMS.

Haha... that's me last week.
I was planning to write this post on 25th and 26th March but I was busy paying bills after salary and I went to my colleague Dell's house to help her prepare food for our department's Reward & Recognition event.

And something happened after 26th March till yesterday that I didn't write anything here for some time.