Saturday 1 December 2018

November 2018

Hi everyone,

It got me thinking when I was reading the fertility journey of others; why no update after this step? What happened?

I know why now and I am choosing to keep it to myself as well until everything turns out fine.

One thing for sure; the journey isn't easy.

Well, well, well...

November ended so fast. I couldn't believe we are already on the last month of the year now.

So, it was Deepavali month. And I took a sudden decision on being vegetarian for 6 days on Sasthi. Try to read//hear the benefits on YouTube.

Oh by the way, I started updating whatever dishes I cook on Instastory so that I can highlight it.

Then, it was my 4th wedding anniversary last 27th. I used my final half day at work, we went out for a movie; Katrin Mozhi and ate good Chinese food.

So overall, it was a month full of ups and downs.

Hi December :)

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