Saturday 23 June 2018

Rice Cooker 🍚

Survival mode kicked in this week. The induction stove at my apartment suddenly stopped working. I can't find out the reason. It is end of the month and honestly, I am almost broke. Eating outside means RM7-RM10 per meal. Then only I realized that I can cook with rice cooker while I repair the induction stove. 😂 . So far, I cooked only two dishes - egg sambal and ginger chicken.

I am currently practicing mindfulness. Still a newbie but I learned a lot. Some tips I picked up along the way :-

🌿 Do one thing at a time.
🌿 If you are stressed out, take deep breaths and use your 5 senses to control your emotion.
🌿 Take at least 3 minutes a day to reflect on yourself at current state.

So yeah, I feel more productive after practicing this. I used to write when I feel overwhelmed, but now only I realized it is called brain dump.

Ok then, I guess that's it for today. 😊

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