Sunday 17 June 2018

On a quest for Kula Deivam

 I am currently TTC for a baby. I am going for fertility treatments and also doing all I can - prayers. By coincidence, my husband watched a video about Kula Deivam.

Hindus do believe on Kula Deivam. It means a deity who protects your family generation by generation. I need to follow my husband's side. My father in law is not sure on this; who and where.

So I start reading. I found out few important points.

1. Kula Deivam need to be approached for every good occasions of the family. Example ; weddings, baby showers, naming ceremony etc.
2. Who and whereabouts of the Kula Deivam can be found by the eldest son's or daughter's astrology.
3. You can also go to a priest to find out.
4. You can also light a agal vilaku with nallennai. Place it facing north and pray to the deity.

My husband and I went to a priest and we found out about it.

My feeling after finding out is relief.  I don't know why, but I feel relieved.

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