Sunday 17 June 2018

I am back!

But, with a disclaimer. I hope I will update frequently but you know, adulting gets in between. 

So, well, I didn't really know where to begin. It has been a long time since I last updated. Let me start from today.

It has been a productive offday. I slept in until 12pm. I went to have lunch with Viknes. I came back home and did string art. Then, I swept the house, folded some clothes and showered. Now on bed, writing this.

I just did a brain dump. I was feeling overwhelmed for the past few days. Thank God for Internet, I managed to find a way to get rid of the feeling. You just dump everything on your brain and then organize it. 

I am working tomorrow and it will be 6 days in a row. 💪 I am sure I can do this.

It feels good to write here, again.


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