Tuesday 13 May 2014


Hi all,

I am too excited that I couldn't sleep.

I can't wait for Chittiraipournami. Yahoo!!!


Monday 12 May 2014

Wednesday + Thursday #5

Hi all,

I started my off day on Wednesday (7/5) watching Vetti Pasanga. It is a Malaysian Tamil Movie.

I slept until 5p.m. that day and did my laundry. I cooked fried rice for myself and continued the rest of the night watching The Mindy Project series again.

The next day, I woke up quite early despite sleeping late. I organized my room with more attention paid to my clothes and toiletries. I ordered Domino's Pizza for lunch. I was too lazy to cook. 

While having my Aloha Chicken Pizza, I watched Idhu Kadhirvelan Kadhal.

Nayanthara is one of my favourite actress. I like her outfits in this movie. This movie has a good story too.

I didn't cook for my dinner as well. I bought Nasi Goreng Cili Padi from the Malay restaurant at Cyberia. I had remaining Crazy Chicken Crunchies(Tomyam) from Domino's that I ordered earlier, so hmm it was a heavy dinner. I watched another movie called the Leap Year. Oh my god, the place where the hero (Matthew Goode) proposed to Amy Adams was awesome.

I ended my off days buying tickets for me and Viknes to go back to Teluk Intan next Tuesday (as in tomorrow literally). I am freaking excited because this is our first bus trip together and finally he is coming to celebrate Chittiraipournami with my family.

Friday 9 May 2014

Part 1:Joy

"Ma, why did you name me Joy?"
"Well Joy, this is the twentieth time you are asking this question and I have been answering you the same since you asked. Again, you brought joy to me and Pa when you were born. We have been waiting for a cute baby like you for years and you came. You brought smile to our faces... thus we thought there is no better name for you than Joy"

Lying on bed, the conversation Joy had with her mother years ago is playing in her head again and again. Joy is a petite early-twenties girl who is currently working in an office as a personal assistant to a successful businesswoman. The conversation triggered after she met a businessman on a meeting yesterday.

Such a charming man. Tall and he looked very confident presenting his business proposal to her lady boss, Maria. As much as Maria was impressed, Joy was beyond impressed. There is something about this man. Something. Maybe because once both of them were introduced by Maria, "Hi, this is my PA Joy and Joy, this is Ryan." Ryan said "Oh, this is the girl who booked my appointment with you. Joy, such a happy name and Joy, each time you call, I have happy vibes around me. Glad to meet you"

"Glad to meet you too Mr.Ryan." Joy wished she have a mirror to control her  expression. All that she know, she was smiling until her face muscles stretch to the  point she can feel it once she stopped smiling. It was a successful business meeting and Joy know she will now be in contact with Ryan more.

And, her first task after the meeting is to do some paper works before Maria goes for her wedding holiday for a month. Ryan would be taking over Maria's position for a month which officially makes Joy as his personal assistant. And it starts today.

Joy got up from her bed and took a quick shower. She always dress for comfort. It is Friday, so she thought she will go with a lace neckline top with jeans. She reached her office at 7.50a.m.. She prepared the agenda for the day and had a cup of coffee with tuna sandwich she bought at a nearby ranch.

Ryan walked in the office at 08.15 a.m.. He looked so much different than the person she meet yesterday for the presentation. He was dressed up casually but he looked like he were lost. "Hi, Mr Ryan, good morning. Would you like to have coffee or tea?" No answer from him and all she heard was his office door being closed and that is, closed hard. "Oh well, I guess not a good morning for him."

About 9.00 a.m., Joy knocked Ryan's office door. "Come in."
"Hi, Mr Ryan. Sorry to disturb you but you have a meeting with the staff at 10.00 a.m.. You can introduce yourself and advise what will be your role for this one month and the collaboration with Miss Maria."
"Oh, okay! Hmm, not a good day for me. I am sorry earlier. I kept quiet because I do not want to show my temper to anyone. Can I have a cup of coffee Joy?"

"Oh sure Mr Ryan. It will be ready in a minute."
"Oh Joy, wait. How old are you?"
"I am err, 23 years old." Joy could not figure out what her age is got to do with a cup of coffee. She is going to mix the instant coffee anyway.
"Just call me Ryan okay. I am not that old for you to call Mister"
"Hmm okay Ryan. I will be back soon with your coffee."

To be continued...

Tuesday 6 May 2014

I miss my blog!!!


That was 3 blog post in one day, few hours. I missed my blog. I still have another blog post, actually 2 which I will write about it soon.

Soon... one would be my April haul and the other one is blood donation.


Career describes an individuals' journey through learning, work and other aspects of life. There are a number of ways to define a career and the term is used in a variety of ways. - Wikipedia

Do you still remember that we will be given a card during primary school where we need to write 3 of our ambitions? And each year, we will have different choice but for some it still stays the same. The most common choice would be doctor and teacher, haha!!!

The card

I still remember what my choice were, the first two choice which was businesswoman (peniaga) and teacher. My mother wanted me to be an accountant but I am terrible at Mathematics, so I was not bothered to even consider that as my ambition. Where am I working again now, a bank... hahaha!!!

As years pass by, I was clueless. I got Science Stream for Form 4 and 5, so I don't know. After my SPM trials, my school had a education booth set up.

I was so interested with Public Relation, Event Management, Hotel Management, Journalism, Mass Communication and Interior Designing. I collected all the pamplets related to that particular course. 

I had no idea about Public Relations but I liked the job scope. I really like to manage events. I wanted to do Hotel Management because I was attracted with the word management and influenced a little by Viknes, (he was working in a hotel that time,2007). I liked Journalism because it is cool to interview people and I was the Media Club President that time. I was interested with Interior Designing since Form 2.

The idea for Physiotherapy came when I accompanied my grandmother to clinic after her leg amputation due to diabetes. I liked the way the bones were named and that was my final choice.

My CGPA was not bad. It was above 3.5. But, I did not secure a job. I was feeling so helpless after graduating with my mother constantly blaming me for choosing Physiotherapy. I logged into Jobstreet and submitted on every job that I can find.

So the bank called and I get the job after 4 phase of interviews. Now, the department I am working will be closed soon. I still have the job, thank God but again I need to mark the 3 options like I did during primary school for deployment.

I don't know where I will end up. It is  a mystery. Contact centre or a more promising department? Let's see...

Wednesday + Thursday #4

Hi again,

Now, this is about my last off day. I only got one off day because I swapped with my colleague. I didn't know Viknes will come over again so I agreed for the swap... But anyway, my off day was spent well. Viknes and I had a movie date, yeah!!!

Thank God for The Amazing Spiderman 2... Viknes agreed to watch the movie. We watched the movie in 3D at GSC Alamanda. We bought the ticket for 11.30p.m..

I enjoyed the  movie due to the 3D effects but I feel the story was incomplete. I don't like that Gwen Stacy died.

Viknes stayed with me until Saturday evening and yeah, he had to go.

After so long, a memory is going into my happy jar.


Wednesday + Thursday #3

Hi all,

This post was supposed to be published after the 24th April however duty called and I was busy... actually lazy, no Viknes came over and thus the blog and the world surrounding me was neglected.

So, the 23rd and 24th April off days turned out to be hmm, I guess okay!

On Wednesday, 23rd April, I had lunch with Relina. I owe Relina a lot for her kindness. I planned to clean the room but however I didn't and I was watching The Mindy Project. I have already watched 6 episodes from Season 1. I also watched What Happened in Vegas for the 2nd time but this time, I could understand the emotions more. last time I watched, I was still at high school.

I woke up on Thursday, with no plans ahead. I cooked tomato curry and fried potato for lunch, practically dinner as well. Lazy day because the weather was so comfortable to sleep.

And yeah, Viknes came over on Sunday, 20th April and he went back on Tuesday, 22nd April. I could not not spend time with him at all due to my working hours.

But, came the Labour Day weekend!!!