Monday 24 June 2013

Chitrapournami 2013:Part 2

Helo peeps,

Chitrapournami at night is much more better than the morning or afternoon because there is no Mr.Sun to burn you down,hahaha...which means less sweat.

But, the crowd will be more because it is after working hours and again because there is no Mr.Sun.

The chariot will move from the Nagarathaar Sri Thandayuthapani Temple around 1900 to 1930 MYT,

There is some history behind the chariot which I don't recall now. Here are some pictures for the feast of your eyes.

The chariot
The cow
 This time, there were Mayilattam as well. This time, I got to see the chariot from a closer view and I also got to touch the cow...
Anyone with similar experience? 


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