Sunday 15 June 2014


Hello everyone...

Happy Sunday! My parents and my brother are at Cameron Highlands and I am here at Cyberjaya, well practically just enjoying my offday.

So it is Father's Day today. I just called my father and wished him. He said he will buy me dinner when I am back home. Appa, I will buy you dinner okay. It's your day.

I did not buy any gift for my father. Honestly, I don't know what to get for him. So, I decided that I will buy for him dinner once I go back to Teluk Intan. Furthermore, it will be his birthday next month.

It's World Cup now and I am very sure my father will enjoy watching the games if he have the time. I still remember I told my father that I will send him to watch the final game for World Cup 2014. I thought by that time I will be 24 and have all the money in the world. Hahaha, typical teenager's mind. Oh, typical 90's teenager's mind.

You supported me when I was on athletics at school when Amma does not approve. And this quote below is for you:-

Hmmmmm ( a big sigh), I am sorry if I have ever hurt you in anyway. I hope God gives you health and happiness. I know your life has been a tough one but you are a strong person Appa.

Happy Father's Day to all fathers and father to be out there!!!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Fifty Shades of Brown


If you are brown, I bet you experience the above. 50 shades of brown.

Have you ever noticed your face, neck, arms, hands and legs are all in different shades of brown...

It is annoying to see your face and neck is darker than your hands. Annoying...

Good day!!!

Sunday 8 June 2014

June is here...

Hi all,

Happy June!!!

I have been neglecting the blog for almost a month now. I have so many things to write about... about my hauls, blood donation and Chittiraipournami celebration this year. I was busy on May. Along with Chittiraipournami break, I actually had another 3 days break which I spent at Teluk Intan too.

First half of the year is gone and now comes the second half of the year. 6 months to go to welcome 2015 and I already make a decision of what my resolutions going to be.

My resolution next year will be 'NO RESOLUTIONS'. Yes no resolutions okay. Eff resolutions. I wrote about my resolutions for 2014 here. Reading it and looking at my room wall where I did some DIY wall reminder, I am feeling so bad. I am not at any point close to achieve any of my freaking goals.

Let's see...

Number ONE, to have healthy hair and skin. I still have not straighten or rebond my hair. My attempt of maintaining my curls is not successful. It requires a lot of maintenance. I don't know if I am doing anything wrong or my hair is very rebellious. I now decided to straighten my hair. At least, I can look presentable without worrying about my frizzy hair. How about my skin??? I am still on experiment with these but the skin care is going on well. I scrub my face every 3 days, I put a face mask once a week and I even learned to do a facial steam at home.

Number TWO, lose 10kg. Hahahahaha, a big laugh here because Viknes, my mother and my mother in law actually noticed I look smaller than last time. My friend Relina said my cheek is not fat as last time. And all of them said I looked better before I loose weight. I did not even loose weight drastically. It is just 1 or 2 kg. I read somewhere that the scale is not important but the body fat percentage. I am very confused but I still watch my food intake.

Number THREE, pass JPJ test. I could not even think of going back for another driving lesson or test. Waste of money and time. And, my dream of getting a car will not come true for now.

Number FOUR, spend more time on cooking. This one put a smile on my face because I do cook almost everyday now. Yeah!!!

Number FIVE, less time on social networking. This one, hmm I don't know. I log on Facebook everyday. I play Criminal Case on Facebook. I read other blogs. I don't know really.

Well, many things happened first half of the year and I got lost in it. I discovered a lot of new things and most important, lesson learnt. I am not having any expectations for the next 6 months.

As much as I want to write, I couldn't because some posts require photo especially the haul post and my USB cable/port is not working (not sure which one). I even tried to bluetooth the picture from my phone to the laptop but I couldn't. I can hear the sound when USB is connected but I could not find the device.

Anyways, I feel bad for not writing. I will find a way even it takes months.

Have a great Sunday all!!!