Sunday 23 March 2014

Potato Yogurt Rice

Original recipe is here. I found this great website and my thanks to you Talimpu.

So the original recipe was for 4 servings and it looks moist. Mine was dry because I preferred it that way!!!


I cut the potato into small pieces and boil it as per instruction.
I grated ginger. I cut the green chilli into small piece as well.

Once the potato is soft, I drained the water and fried it.

On a bowl, I mashed the rice. I add yogurt, turmeric, salt and I mixed it.

On a wok, I heat oil and add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, grated ginger,asoefitida and green chilli.

Then, I add them into the mixed yogurt rice. I then add the fried potato.

Yummy! Yummy!

It was a quick vegetarian dish.

Fried Egg Sambal

Presentation sucks!!! But it tastes good...
Fry the egg. Cut the onion ad garlic. Grate ginger.
On a wok, heat up oil. Add the cut onion and garlic. After sometime, add the ginger.
Then, add chilli powder and tamarind water.
Once it starts to boil, add tomatoes and egg.
Add salt and ready!!!

Poached Egg & Capsicum in Oyster Sauce

Sorry peeps,

I am going to post my silly recipes... If you want to laugh at it, go ahead. I am still learning. Anyway for this particular recipe, I created it and even got a good comment from my housemate.

I know poached egg is one of the hardest thing to cook. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it don't like what you see in the picture above.
I poached two eggs.
Cut half of green capsicum into long piece as above.
Cut onion and garlic. Grate ginger too.
On a wok, heat oil. Add onion, garlic and grated ginger.
Then, add oyster sauce with some water. Once it boils, add the poached egg.
I don't add salt because oyster sauce is salty already but if you want it to taste more salty, then go ahead.

Vegetarian Fried Rice


As per the title, I am going to post about my own version of Vegetarian Fried Rice.

Steps :-
Fry the tauhu until it is golden brown. Boil the mixed vegetable with some salt. Cut onion and garlic into small pieces. Grate the ginger.
In a wok, add oil. Once the oil is hot, add onion and garlic. Add grated ginger.
Then, add the chilli powder with water. Let it cook a while until the powder smell vanishes. Add cold rice.
Then, add the mixed vegetable and fried tauhu.
It is now ready!!!

Monday 17 March 2014

My Weekends #10

Hi and hello,

I am back with my weekends post. I went back to my hometown last week and I escaped from the bad haze at Cyberjaya.

I reached Teluk Intan on Friday afternoon. I didn't go anywhere on Friday and Saturday. I went out yesterday for a wedding and wedding reception of my brother's friend's sister...

I came back to a better weather and no water supply. I had to go to management's office to ask the reason and they told me the house owner have not paid the water bill yet. :(... anyways the water supply is back now.

Look... it is way better!!! Thank you God...

Happy Monday!!!

Thursday 13 March 2014


I wanted to blog about the haze at Cyberjaya on the 3rd of March and took a picture. I forgot about this picture sitting on my folder. And now the haze is much more terrible. I can smell and feel it.

Some info and tips about haze...


Sunday 9 March 2014



Let's pray for all the passengers, cabin crews, pilot and co-pilot of MH370. I could not imagine how sad the family members are.

I am keeping my weekends post on hold until the result is out. I am watching live updates from Astro Awani on Youtube now. We have to be prepared for the worst but let's just have some positive thought.

Friday 7 March 2014

Happy International Women's Day

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow, 8th of March will be International Women's Day. I am taking this opportunity to wish all the beautiful women in my life a very Happy International Women's Day.

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. And this year, the theme would be Inspiring Change.

Inspiring Change for greater awareness of women's equality...
Inspiring Change for more women is senior leadership roles...
Inspiring Change for equal recognition of women in the arts...
Inspiring Change for growth of women owned business...
Inspiring Change for increased financial independence of women...
Inspiring Change for more women in science, engineering and technology...
Inspiring Change for fairer recognition of women in sport...

So all women out there,

Let's celebrate

And two quotes caught my attention today, here it is.

For more information, please go to

Monday 3 March 2014

My Weekends #8

Hi all,

How was your weekend???

Mine was awesome. I went back to my hometown in Teluk Intan, to be more specific Hutan Melintang.

Pic credit to Google

The first thing I did was threading. The lady who did my eyebrows were nosy and terrible. Ish she spoilt my mood but then Lai Che Kang at Hawaii made me happy. If you wonder what is Hawaii, it is a stall which is very famous at Teluk Intan for their ais kacang and mee curry. It is located nearby SMK Convent Teluk Intan. And now, the have awesome nasi lemak.

Pic credit to Google

Then, I had Domino's Pizza with my brother and mother in the car... my brother drove us to my father's working place and he only took a slice of Classified Chicken. My father don't like pizza...

Reached home, watched some shows on TV and had 'kerang sambal' made by my mother.

The next day on Sunday, it was a lazy day at home. I went to temple with my family around 1900MYT and went shopping at The Store, yes The Store still exist at Teluk Intan. Planned to buy a blouse and pants. I did not like any blouse there, so bought only a blue pants.

Pic credit to Google

Then, we had dinner at KFC...

And now I am back in Cyberjaya.

Happy Monday everybody!!!