Tuesday 31 December 2013

Goodbye 2013!!!

My best moments of 2013!!!


OMG look at me... this photo was taken during Viknes's sister ROM.

Ipoh Thaipusam Chariot '13
I went to Penang and Ipoh for Thaipusam celebrations. It was fun and I think it is a blessing to see chariots.

My brother and his priceless pose
My brother. I hope 2014 brings him success and luck. 
ROM 19.7.2013
The only family photo that I got during my ROM. Sad, my brother is not in the photo... he took this photo.
Awkward moments posing for studio photos...:)

My parents
 It is very hard to get a picture of my parents. My mother always close her eyes and my father don't normally look at camera. So, at least this could do for 2013.

My favourite picture with my mother
This was during our Deepavali trip to Cameron Highlands. This was taken at Lata Iskandar (I think so). It was an unexpected stop nearby the waterfall and that's the reason for the inappropriate attire.

Christmas '13
This year, I didn't get to see beautiful Christmas decorations at any shopping complexes. This was at IOI Mall Puchong.

Deepavali '13

My lousy kolam. The 'kumbam' and the lotus flower design was not my idea, my mother's. She used a stencil box (not sure of the name). I am working on getting a beautiful kolam.

My colleagues... happy faces because of the good people and good food...

Gift from business this year for Christmas...i ate the missing chocolate because it was so tempting!!!

Another 12 hours for 2014!!!

Goodbye 2013!!!

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