And I am at much better place compared to previous years. I am healing. I would not say I fully healed but I am healing. The grief strikes suddenly and I realized it will be always there. I don't think I will fully heal and this feeling is a scar that I will carry for rest of my life.
In the span of this 2 years I learnt a lot. I got married at the age of 24. Viknes was the only guy I knew since I finished Form 5. So loosing him and coming out of a long term committed relationship plus marriage has it's own side effects. I will keep it for another blog post.
Even while I type this, I can feel the lump in my throat; a feeling you get when you are sad. But, I am grateful that I have good circle of friends. I will not forget those who have been by my side. Some still are and their advises are something I keep close to my heart always.
Life is hard. You got to live with it.