Saturday 25 July 2015

Tea 101

I like drinking tea. Especially after a long day at work.

Lately, I have realized that there are many uses of tea(tea bags to be precise) apart from drinking it.

I was surprised and proud of my choice of tea over coffee always huhuhu...

I have tried some but sadly I don't have a picture of it.

Let's look at the uses:-

1. Relieve tired eyes

How to : 

Keep used tea bags in the fridge for 15-20 minutes or in the freezer for 5-10 minutes or until it is cold.

Squeeze excess water from the tea bags.

Place in on top of closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes or in my case until I feel the chillness gone.

2. Blisters

Boil some water with tea bags in it,

Let it cool down.

Just apply on affected area and leave it overnight. 

My sister in law had blisters and I came across these while searching for home remedies on Google. She had tried and told me that the inflammation has reduced.

3. Wounds

Follow instructions as as above//number 2.

Just apply on small wounds like knife cuts, paper cuts etc. Not on bigger wounds with blood flowing and all.

Applied this on my husband's broken toe nail once and the wound dried up within 1 day.

I read that there are many uses for tea bags apart from these 3 listed above. I have only tried these 3 so far,

I have read on uses of tea bags for hair wash, foot soak and face/body mist. There are many actually but these are the uses that caught my attention.

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