Saturday 7 September 2013

Feelings whatever...

I want to write...inspirations are there yet I am so addicted with sleeping.

Sleeping. I read somewhere, Facebook I guess. I read that lonely people sleeps a lot. Like seriously...I guess I am surrounded by some kind souls for 11 hours a day...or less. I talk to my mother and husband every single day. I report to my mother everyday. So, I have no time to be lonely.

Furthermore, now I am addicted to some games. Temple Run la, Coin Dozer la, Cookie Dozer la and now Angry Bird. I love Cookie Dozer, I can smell Famous Amos cookies while I am playing it. Huhu....

Yes, I am surrounded by some kind souls. I talk to my mother and husband yes...but my mother is at Teluk Intan and my husband is sometimes at Terengganu, Kelantan, KL... I meet him like 2 weeks once...

So yeah,

I miss teh tariking with my friends... teh tarik, roti canai with chicken/mutton peraddal. It is a bliss...go to hell diet...

I miss drawing, drawing henna designs and use my mother as a model, haha sometimes victim and reading novels.

Am I lonely now? Or am I stressed with work? Or do I miss my parents, husband and friends?


Happy weekends people!!!!

Smile...if people smile at you or don't. (I will talk about this one day)

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