Thursday 25 July 2013

If I were a naughty Smurfette for a day...


I can't imagine such a sweet Smurfette would be naughty. I CAN'T.

If I were given chance to be a Smurfette, I would but being a naughty one, I would prefer all my actions benefits me first...hehe(evil laugh).

So, from the sweet and innocent Smurfette which looks like this:

I guess she will look like this:

Ok back to the story, If I were naughty Smurfette for a day, I will...

Sneak into a girl's closet and steal all the prettiest dress...i prefer Kate Middleton's. Hehehe.. i      
might use some magic to shrink them into small dresses... I can replace my white dress...and style them all!!!

Then, I would use magic to turn some girls into Smurfs, being with the male all the time is so boring....

Then, I would come up with Smurfette's Kingdom...hehehe.

Uhhh...that's the naughty Smurfette I can imagine.

I am waiting eagerly for Smurfs 2... Smurfs 1 impressed me in so many ways and I live Smurfette and Clumsy. I read the synopsis and articles about Smurfs 2, where Smurfette will be used to turn Naughties into Smurfs.

I think Smurfette will stay true to her colour and stay true for her love to the Smurfs. After all, she belongs there.

I guess Smurfs 2 will be emotional and funny at the same time, can't wait.


Tuesday 23 July 2013

Rasam & Potato Pachadi


I cooked. Well, I do cook sometimes but it will be always the same dish. For example; egg sambal, anchioves sambal, sardine, and Yeo's Chicken Curry. It is the easiest and the most simple dish ever, at least for me.

But each time Viknes ask me what I cook, if I tell one of the dish above, he will tell you do't know to cook other dish is it??? I feel challenged, really.

So, I start searching for good recipes online and also read the recipe book that I always buy. I also have a treasured recipe book where I will cut and paste recipes from newspapers and magazines, not to forget recipes from some favourite cooking shows that I watch.

So, I found out that with passion everything is easy. With passion, comes the urge to save. So today, I cooked Rasam and Potato Pachadi.


Ingredients :

Baba's Rasam Powder
Tamarind Juice

1. Cut the onion. Clean the garlic as well.

2. Cut the tomatos into small pieces.

3. With the tamarind juice, add few pieces of tomatos and garlic and mash them using your hands.

4. In a pan, add oil. Once it heats up, saute the onion until it turns soft.

5. Add rasam powder. Add the tamarind juice(3).

6. Add the tomato and let it boil for some time. I add salt at this point of time.

This is my version of rasam. There are more ingredients that can be used, daun kari and dried chilli. I could not get it here at Cyberjaya. So I used the items that I have. is the picture:

I miss my grandmother's rasam. She don't use rasam powder like I do. She will make her own rasam powder using pepper and cumin seeds. I called it grounded pepper and cumin seeds.

Potato Pachadi

Ingredients :

Nestle Natural Yogurt(substitute for curd)
Green Chilli
Baba's Cumin Powder

1. Boil the potatos and cut into small pieces. Cut the green chilli into small pieces.

2. In a bowl, add yogurt, cumin powder and green chilli.

3. Add potato, mix together and add some salt.

This recipe is from a book called Fast Food that I bought from Little India, Ipoh. This book is from India but there is no author's name.