Sunday 9 December 2012


I guess everyone expect something in their life... I have expectations too especially when it is promised to me. I do really expect people give me as much as I give them...i give them 100% of love, I expect 100% from them.

But I learned that it is not possible, the more I expect the more I am hurt. Especially in matter friends, family, relatives or the other half.

There are times I feel so down especially when I don't get what I wanted. I must learn to live with it.

Done with my feelings...some dates that I need to mention here, not important to the world but important to me....


My best friend's birthday. Her name is Ling Yvonne. She is a Chinese girl. We don't meet often, the last I met her was on my engagement. She was always there for me in bad or good situation and I believe she will be anytime. We know each other for almost 10 years...wah...


I said I LOVE YOU to my dearest fiance...when I was 17 years old. It was said with no hope of meeting him. It was a long distance relationship. But yet, this date remains fresh in my mind. No matter what happens, I love him and will always do...


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