Thursday 11 October 2018

Dengkil 😊

The place I dreaded to move. But, I am loving it here.

It feels like home here. Even though Cyberjaya and Dengkil only 10 minutes apart, there is a vast difference between this two cities.

I love that I can find my favourite Chinese kueh here. I literally feel like this emoji : 😻

The temple is just around the corner and right now, my husband and I have weekly visits there.

I should have moved here sooner but better late than never.


Tuesday 2 October 2018

My TTC Journey 🚼: LPPKN Part 4

Since my husband need to repeat his semen test, we walked in again on the 27/9/2018. I paid only RM25 this session and was given another appointment on the 24/10/2018.

The doctor told me to prepare up to RM600 for this appointment.

I want to be a mother so badly. At least before I turn 30. 

With a lot of prayers, folic acid every day and medical appointments, I believe I will be one.
