Thursday 19 July 2018

My TTC Journey 🚼: HSG X-Ray

On the first day of your period, you need to call the clinic given by the LPPKN doctor to set an appointment for HSG x-Ray. 

In my case, it was Daya x-Ray centre. 

The waiting period was not long. And it was only 2 minutes but the doctor who will be doing the procedure is a male. And a very arrogant one, I feel.

Usually, I will search on Google on every freaking details of my scan or report. This time, I just let it go.

I paid a total of RM290 and was telling my husband this better be worth it. Haha cause the cramps for the two minutes even though bearable felt like two hours.

My TTC Journey 🚼: LPPKN Part 2

Hi there,

So this is the part where you go to get your blood tested. They will test your FSH, LSH and if both husband and wife has any STDs. This is a walk in appointment.

I paid a total of RM101 for this appointment.

The doctor also will give you a follow up appointment for another blood test and pap smear 😱 on the 21st day of your cycle.

In between, you need to do HSG X- Ray. This will be at different place so I will write another post on it.
