Sunday 6 January 2013

Life of Pi


I watched this movie on 25/12/2012 at Putrajaya Alamanda. I watched Life of Pi in 3D. I never read the book so until I watch the movie, I was actually pronouncing Pi as Pi...not the mathematical symbol Pi. Hmm surprisingly, nobody corrected me.

I liked this movie. There are moral values in this movie that I think all of us should follow. In my point of view, the moral values are:

Faith is God and God is Faith. We should not criticize any religion.

Appreciate our loved ones while they are alive. There is no point being sorry or to regret after they are gone.

And this movie is also special to me. This is the first 3D movie that I watched. I was going around asking my colleague and friends how is it to watch with 3D. Is it ok to wear on top of the specs???(I wear specs and I am not comfortable wearing contact lens to shopping complex/cinema).

Overall, I enjoyed and I am looking forward to watch more 3D movies. Woo hoo!!!

Friday 4 January 2013



  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle
  2. Spend less, save more
  3. Do the best in my job
  4. Move to a better place
  5. Vacations!!!

These are my resolutions which all requires discipline, good time and  money management. Wish me good luck!!!

Wishing all of you reading good luck to achieve your resolutions...:)

Memories and Lessons

It is still early January and I have been thinking of writing this down since end of December. 2012 has so many memories to cherish and lessons not to forget.

I really struggled emotionally first half of the year. Second half of the year is really good.


1. My salary increment
    - It motivates me to work more harder and efficiently
    - I was happy because I feel my work are recognized

2. 27.5.2012
    - My boyfriend brought his parents to discuss about our engagement officially

3. 27.10.2012
    - My boyfriend became my fiance' " I am engaged"

4. Ratings
    - My call coaching scores was good

5. Scooter
    - Bought a scooter


1. Do not live with expectations (the hard one to do)
2. Helping is good but not all the time
3. Savings are very important especially in case of emergency

Overall, it was a good year. The second half of the year made me forget the incidents of the first half of the year. So many good things happen around and I couldn't be more happy. Two of my colleagues are pregnant and one got married. I am happy for them, very.

People come and go in my life. They are the one who taught me the most valuable lessons.

Tuesday 1 January 2013